2575 Reidville Rd. Spartanburg, SC 29301

Welcome to JORS
Our Vision and Mission Statement
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Liturgical Ministry
Liturgical ministry is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another.
Our liturgies utilize the talents and gifts that God has given this community to the fullest extent.
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Religious Education
The Mission of Jesus, Our Risen Savior’s Religious Education program is to guide our children in forming a deeper
relationship with God and community through Scriptures, Sacraments, and especially the Eucharist.
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Monday-Friday @ 7:00am & 12:00pm (Adoration & Rosary @ 11:00am)
Saturday @ 9:00am

Saturday Vigil @ 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm (English) | 2:00pm & 4:00pm (Spanish)


SATURDAYS, 3:30 – 4:30pm
Or by appointment

Adoration Chapel next to the Church


1st Tuesday each month

Adoration @ 6:00pm

Healing Mass @ 7:00pm


What is the Adorno Fathers Foundation?

The mission of the Adorno Fathers Foundation is to provide a safety net of sorts for the Order of Catholic Priests and Seminarians known lovingly to us as The Adornos but more formally as The Order of the Clerics Regular Minor. The Adorno Fathers Foundation specifically supports the group of Adornos who make up the United States/Philippine Delegation.  The foundation was begun by lay people interested in assisting the Order’s efforts in the training of its seminarians.  The Adorno Fathers Foundation provides material assistance during the young Adornos’ years of preparation for ministry.  In addition, foundation helps to provide a safe and reasonably comfortable dwelling place for retired Adornos so that they may live their remaining years with dignity and in community.

Ad Maiorem Resurgentis Gloriam! – For the Greater Glory of the Risen Lord.

Please consider donating to the Adorno Fathers Foundation.  Visit adornofathersfoundation.org to learn more.

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