What is the Parish Pastoral Plan?
The Pastoral Plan is a tool to assist the Pastor in the effective shepherding of the Parish. The Plan establishes high-level programs along with concrete steps to effectively achieve the goals and objectives.
Parish Assessment
From December 2024 to January 2025, we conducted the parish assessment for our pastoral plan. It was a great success, and we carefully reviewed all the comments and suggestions you shared. Below are the detailed results:
First Part:
Priority | Alternative Description | Average |
1 | To provide high-quality programs for children, youth, and young adults, helping them grow in their faith during their formative years and become disciples of Jesus, shaping the future of our Church. | 8.357859532 |
2 | To strengthen adult programs, hosting more faith-centered events for all adults, especially seniors, | 6.455479452 |
3 | To promote active participation in the liturgy. | 5.797153025 |
4 | To enhance community outreach and service programs to help those in need. | 5.653979239 |
5 | To encourage individuals to practice good stewardship of their time, talent, and treasure for the Church. | 5.562937063 |
6 | To increase involvement in various ministries. See the Ministry Booklet. | 5.326315789 |
7 | To improve communication and connection within the parish community, including through social media and other platforms. | 5.06993007 |
8 | To enhance the OCIA program for those becoming Catholic or completing the Sacraments of Initiation. | 5.049056604 |
9 | To foster in the community, inside or outside the church, small groups faith-sharing opportunities to build stronger relationships and deeper spiritual growth. | 4.93728223 |
10 | To prioritize initiatives that support mental health and well-being within the parish community. | 4.734042553 |
11 | To promote environmental stewardship aligned with Catholic values. | 3.977777778 |
Second Part:
Priority | Alternative Description | Average |
1 | To build a new Church. | 6.915492958 |
2 | To expand our current place of worship such as investing in overflow spaces or outdoor worship areas. | 6.403571429 |
3 | To improve accessibility for elderly and disabled parishioners. | 6.138790036 |
4 | To add more Mass times. | 5.690140845 |
5 | To provide additional parking spaces. | 5.536231884 |
We selected the top three priorities from the first part and the highest-ranked priority from the second part as the foundation for our pastoral plan.
Below are the comments you provided on the form. Please know that we have read each one carefully and are fully aware of your concerns and perspectives.
Priorities – Parishioners Comments |
Please leave the 12:00 mass in English on Holy days like on Sunday. |
It is difficult to find seating during the 10 am mass on Sunday. I have sat in the PSR and counted 100 other people in there with me. While this is a good problem to have, I believe we need to explore options to better accommodate attendance. Also, childrens religious education should be on Sunday after mass (english and spanish). Children have homework and after school activities during the week which creates a conflict with the current schedule. |
Advocacy for the human rights of immigrants based on their God-given human dignity |
10 – Enhancing the RE program and making it achievable for families. No child should be turned away. We moved last year and one month into the program I was told there was no room for my child. This is unacceptable. Additionally having classes in the middle of the week, puts a stain on working families. I myself work until late on weekdays. Having a 6 year old in class until 7:45 is late. We have considered joining another parish just to have better accomodations. RE should be a Sunday option for all children not just confirmation kids. Getting all families to mass should be the priority. This can be easily achieved with Sunday RE for all children. |
To build a new Sanctuary and Culumbarium (10) |
Vigil Spanish mass on Saturday |
Rating 10 – Streaming mass live (during 1 service on Sunday) for Homebound parishioners that cannot attend mass on a regular basis due to medical issues or limited mobility. |
Please allow and encourage students to participate by serving as readers during masses (10); I miss singing the Gloria in rounds (circa Fr. Ed) (9); there are so many good songs to choose from weekly yet I feel we sing the same drab songs repeatedly (10); encourage the youth to join the choir (10); given our Hispanic population, we need a fluent Spanish speaking priest (10)- Fr. Gio does a fabulous job but sure could use help. |
Just to add as an area of focus in adult opportunities (4) that we also need something for young families. The nice young adults have children there isn’t a place for them in the young adults ministry anymore (times and events don’t line up with young children). |
We really enjoyed Father Godefroid’s going away potluck. I wish there were more opportunities for fellowship with others, especially without alcoholic beverages being served. It just seems much more family friendly. |
Campus safety 10 |
New sanctuary 10 |
Improve Bulletin to reflect accurracy, i.e. Mass times, redundencies, etc, of our Sunday Lectern’s significant announcments. And since Bulletin is online, suggest only need a one page notice of updates in vestibule. (St. Mary’s GVL made this transition several years ago). |
Open election for parish council members. |
To have control to have a good temperature inside during Sunday mass , it’s way too hot especially during summer days. Not repeat the same announcements after mass so many times or have them take so long, this together with the uncomfortable temperature makes it so hard for us parents with little ones to focus on mass because kids are way too eager to leave and get too irritated. |
Have more programs that cater to the needs of men and adults with young children. 10. |
Improve bulletin and website content (3) |
Section 1 choice 2) to Promote active participation in liturgy: Add 2 prayer kneelers at the front of the main aisle for communion time only (move back and forth) for communicants to be able to kneel and receive the Eucharist. Many older parishioners especially find it unsafe to kneel without something to hold onto. We’ve seen this accommodation made at multiple churches (we travel a lot) and have found it safer and very helpful in communion reception.
Section 1 choice 2a) To Promote active participation in the Liturgy: Upgrade our sound system. Many people wear hearing aids, especially many of our veterans, and it’s very discouraging not to be able to hear the readings and the homily. I have No issue with my hearing, and I would still appreciate being able to hear consistent voice volume and quality not dependent on which microphone is used. Many men wearing hearing aids have Blue Tooth capability and could connect to the upgraded sound system to be able to fully participate in the Mass. Section 1 choices 4 and 6) to strengthen adult programs and improve communication within the community. PARISH DIRECTORY with photos of each parishioner, couple and/or family with addresses and phone numbers. That alone would really build community because we could start attaching faces and names to our fellow worshippers. Church would hire photographer and each participant pays for their photo package. Parish provides the Directory for small fee. Section1 Choice 7: Enhance Community Outreach and Service programs for those in Need: *** Oops! there are 11 choices for 10 numbers in Section One ********************************* First choice: Add more Mass Times. 1: add 6 or 7pm English Mass for Sunday Night. If necessary add 7 pm Spanish Mass Saturday to follow the 5 o’clock English Mass. 2: Second Choice – Expand and Beautify current spaces. Beautify the worship space, at least across the front of the church and behind and surrounding the altar and statues. Paint the ceiling above the altar and crucifix. Beauty enhances the worship experience. Seeing the church in such disrepair is depressing. Nail’s hanging out of the walls behind St Michael’s statue are a distraction to the beauty of the statue. Art raises our eyes and hearts to God. Filthy walls and ceilings could be renovated at a fraction of the cost of building a new church. There are university students at Notre Dame that take courses in “Renovating Ugly Churches.” It could be done. Renovation can take current spaces and improve on area usage. |
2 – Grow the youth/young adult ministry to include youth-sponsored mass with youth musicians/choir, e.g., 5pm Sunday, youth adoration time/schedule. The youth mass could be attended by adults, too. |
To unite all cultures into one Parish Family |
Adult formation (strengthen adults, married, single, widows) adults with stronger faith and understanding will increase all of the above. Also, need a new church. |
Space. Enough room/chairs for members during mass. 10 |
Bigger church…10 |
10 Our current worship space is inadequate in size and function. A significant number of parishioners are excluded from seeing Mass because there simply aren’t enough seats. Plumbing is outdated and may not meet current ADA standards. The kitchen lacks storage and appliances that are functional. |
Social activities especially for seniors (Bingo) day trips etc…. |
Yes, the 10 a.m. MASS requires (by standard safety reasons) an ASAP solution to weekly exceeding of safe (& potentially legal) attendance. Perhaps a 4th MASS time. Here’s one option: 7:45-9:15-11-12:30. And perhaps, ASAP fnancial support of building support of increased MASS attendance. |
More quite time before Mass for those trying to pray and prepare for Mass |
The parish Councle is supposed to represent the entire parish. Therefore its members should be ELECTED, not appointed, if it is to truly reflect the views of the parish and not only those of the pastor. Priority is a 10+ |
opportunities To get to know other people in church. I’ve been going here for 40+ years and I don’t know one person sitting next to me or am I whole section from the front to the back of the church? I have been lector and taught religious said, but you don’t get to meet people doing that just kids and you have an audience. Other churches help each other out in a crisis & they all know each other like every single person in the church practically. I could be dead and nobody at our church would know. |
Provide a larger APR for fellowship and events (8) |
Build a new church |
JORS, though a parishioner, has never responded or reached out after several letters/emails. |
10 – to have confessions available on Saturday mornings (for people who can’t do later day) 9 – to have silent time right after Communion for prayer (instrumental is OK but not singing) |
Require parents of first comunion kids to complete service hours in church events for the year. |
10 — To increase the availability of confession by adding an additional weekly time (around 5:00) on weekdays. |
Columbarium |
Masses in both Spanish and English |
Currently, I think JORS is functioning as best it could, depending on operational resources available. I think we are functioning with no goals/directions that’s why events seem to be done in a wishy-washy manner, i.e. ‘we will be fine’ attitude; there’s lack of coordination, poor communication, no prepared plans of action, etc. I, also, think there are too many Ministries without ‘real’ goals/purpose, so I am recommending revisiting the list and functions/purpose of the Ministries to streamline functionality and available resources, in line with Diocese plans/directives. |
Bible studies on Saturday |
Encourage belief in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist rate as the highest priority 10 |
Music 10 |
Music from the 20th century 10 |
Let everyone feel needed for all events |
Mejorar las instalaciones de la iglesia |
Que los servidores qué cervidores activos qué no colaboran dejan que otros los agan y tal ves trabajen mejor |
Reconsider the work being placed on the youth of the parish. The youth as they reach college age desire to leave the parish due to the pressure or work load imposed on them during RE, etc. The youth should not be expected to know or do things a high percentage of parishioners can’t do. We want to attract them to the parish not scare them away. |
Prayer Groups and Assemblies for Worship 10 |
English and Spanish Language classes. 8. Kitchen update and safety issues. 9 |
Campaign to increase number of adorers in Adoration chapel – 10 Campaign to increase number of altar boys and offer proper training – 9 Install communion rail so parishioners don’t have to kneel on the ground – 8 Separate room for sacristy so priests can prepare for mass without interruptions -10 Hire a music director -10 |
Build a Church Sanctuary |
Greeting each other just before the Mass begins and the priest and ministers come down the aisle. It is wonderful that we have greeters when we come in the church doors but we need to build community more and every small way we can do that is important. Celebrating birthday, anniversaries and guests is another thing we do well. |
Reverence before, during and after mass =10 |
Church expansion or new church to accommodate the growth that has already, and will continue to, occur = 9 |
Provide proper reading instructions to those choosing to read at mass and encourage theses individuals to practice in advance of mass. Also, try to eliminate these two words “you know” when speaking to the congregation. |
Addition of ministry to teach Spanish to Anglos and English to Spanish. (5) |
New more beautiful marble Altar for the tabernacle.
New matching side altars for statues and St Michael. New tabernacle like the one in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Newer pews. More adjustable or padded (connecting) chairs for easier adjustments when needed. With better kneelers. Prayers of faithful including prayers for police and military protection in performing their duties every Sunday Mass. Prayer to St. Michael after every Mass. |
enhance the music ministry by adding more traditional songs and Latin Mass parts in the penitential seasons |
Promote opportunities to draw the Hispanic/non-Hispanic communities together. |
We are growing so fast that I feel a larger Church should be in our future plans. |
Encouragement to everyone to read daily scripture… |
I believe the above listing represent high level priority statements; I would be also interested in the implementation of each which could be the summary of action items to achieve these priorities. (A) How do we encourage participation from all age groups and ethnic groups in the church? (A-1) Adoration times can be sponsored by these groups to ensure the adoration chapel will have adorers. Plan for First Friday overnight adoration to enhance reviving adoration and award scapulars based on achievements in attendance. (A-2) Music for the English masses can be improved by organizing maybe a classical group, a contemporary/folk group, a youth band/music group, and having the music assigned to say mass times like 5pm (Sat)/8am (Sun) could be one or 2 cantors, 10am could be the classical group, 12noon could be alternating between contemporary/folk group and youth band. (B) For events that involve receptions, etc., encourage the use of budgets and a retrospection after the event that will identify the costs, evaluation of what went well/what are lessons learned. This document would be useful to reference future similar events for planning purposes. (C) Review participation by parishioners in church ministries and activities, tenure and turnover of committee members, is there diversity in each group? |
Contruir una area más amplia para poder congregarnos un mayor número de personas. |
Seria bueno que añadieran una misa en español por las mañanas habemos una gran comunidad ispana que nuestros hijos ban mas despiertos a misa en la mañana pero lamentablemente nuestro ingles no nos ayuda a crecer en nuestra fe y no entendemos la vigilia y el proposito de la eucaristia dominical. |
En mi humilde opinión creo que se necesita un sacerdote hispano en la parroquia JORS, ya que hay mucha gente hispana ( adulta y de la tercera edad) que no saben nada de inglés y se les dificulta recibir consejería o guía espiritual de parte de los sacerdotes, entiendo y agradezco mucho el esfuerzo que hacen en hablar español los sacerdotes qué ahorita están en JORS, pero considero muy necesario un sacerdote hispano ya que la comunidad hispana es muy grande y hay mucha gente hispana que no habla nada de inglés (sobre todo personas de la tercera) , es mi humilde opinión con todo el respeto, espero la diócesis tome en cuenta esto, muchas gracias de antemano, a esto yo le doy la prioridad más alta 10 |
Mejorar las aulas de los estudiantes de catecismo |
Padres que animen mas español |
más misas en español por la mañana de domingos |
Todos los grupos de crecimiento espiritual mantenerlos en la iglesia y no fuera de ella. Como, cualquier reunion o actividades referente a los grupos. |
Clases para parejas y matrimonios [9] |
I think it would be nice to have pictures done with names of families. To get to know parishoners. Been there over 10 years and still don’t know a lot of people by names – or do it another way |
To provide educational spiritual growth and social opportunities using technology such as zoom for those who can not travel physically to Church |
1 – close front doors before, during and after Mass and provide hand washing and disinfectant stations |
Bigger classrooms for CCD Kids 10 – Saturday am or earlier Sunday Spanish Mass |
Improve the lighting and sound system |
I would like to see Parish Council Meeting minutes published |
Have ministries communicate together to work together as one for our Lord Jesus Christ |
10 promote adoration chapel |
To provide programs for special needs kids/adults |
Offer english language and citizenship classes |
Need more priests to keep from burnout |
Use the bulletin more to explain what’s going on, avoid social media. |
Explore building of a new church |
Concerned about 10am mass fire code |
Would like kneelers for those who want to kneel when receiving eucharist. |
Quiet time before mass |
Provide a budget for the ministries, as the expenses are shouldered by committee members and reimbursement provided later by the church |
Prayer grouops and Early Masses in Spanish |
To promote spiritual retreats with people who assist with the youth |
Spanish Mass on a Saturday |
The Blessed Sacrament Chappel must be clean all the time |
Mass on Saturday at 7PM in Spanish. Activities in spanish during Christmas for the Baby Jesus |
Develop a Directory of Church members with associated skills/service from which Church members can find trusted individuals such as plumbing, painting, landscaping, adult/child babysitting, chauffeur to and from medical/shopping appointments. Purchase a van to assist church members unable to drive. |
10 Translated: ‘Incorporate and develop a ministry of consecration to the Heart of Mary and add a mass at 7 am on Saturdays in Spanish’ |
10 Translated: ‘More priests that speak and understand well Spanish’ |
Translated: ‘Ministry Formation’ |
5 Better formation for those guiding Religious Education and Youth Group |
8 (simple things for children. Cathechist & those upfront should express the love of God |
more priest that speaks very well the Spanish language3 |
8 (Adult Sunday School classes) |
8 ( include announcement s in the bulletin please) ( BTW website is fantastic but is also an extra step to find announcements, website should be promoted more) Could this be a ministry to help keep whole family active in the church. group for parents of children in RE/sacramental classes to meet each other & create bonds a coffee &donuts kind of informal setting during class times also a group for families with small children. JoRS owned substanntial amount of land surrunding the church building that is not utilized. Expanding the church and office/classroom building on the backside is an option. relocate the pavillion & open space further ino the property, freeing up more space for parking and larger outdoor gathering area there was a walking rosary trail in the woods beyond the pavillion it was eagle scout project. but no one seems to know about it anymore. expanding the building would probably be smaller, capita; campaign than building new facilities also address most concerns listed at top of page.) |
10 ( AP room doesn’t provide quality mass attendance 8 limited by number of parents 3 not long term 6 depending on long term plans 7 Ushers are attentive 3( Just to emphasize that the catholic church should have a more noticeable place in community involvement |
Next Step: Town Hall Meeting: TBA