Dear RE Parents:
This is a reminder of the flyer we sent home with your student last Wednesday. We will be praying our annual Living Rosary on Wednesday during class times. You will be able to see your students through our Facebook live. All our students will gather to pray the rosary. Please make sure they bring their own rosary.
We ask you to please look for this song on YouTube as they must memorize the chorus so that they sing together with Fr. Liam.
Estimados Padres del Catecismo:
Estaremos Rezando nuestro Rosario Viviente anual el miércoles durante los horarios de clase. Podrán mirar a sus hijos a través de nuestra pagina de Facebook. Todos nuestros estudiantes rezaran juntos, Por favor asegurense de traer su propio rosario.
Les pedimos que por favor busquen esta cancion ya que deben memorizarse el verso que es subrayado. Nuestro nuevo parroco Padre Liam, estara rezando con los niños y nos ah pedido que los niños se aprendan la canción para que canten con el.
Immaculate Mary Lyrics
Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing.�You reign now in Heaven with Jesus our King
Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria! Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria!
In Heaven the blessed your glory proclaim;�On earth we your children invoke your sweet name.
Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria! Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria!
We pray for our Mother, the Church upon earth, And bless, Holy Mary, the land of our birth.
Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria! Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria!