Guidelines for Ushers at Jesus, Our Risen Savior
Say a Prayer before Mass Thanking God for the Privilege of being one of His Servants.
When the Church comes together to celebrate Mass, the Ushers are the first to greet the faithful and welcome them . The Ushers are the first to recognize any special need of the person and make sure those needs are met.
The safety and security of the faithful are a major concern of the Ushers during Mass. Any irregularities are to be noted by the Ushers and discussed amongst themselves of the appropriate action to be taken. ( See Addendum for the items available for emergencies.)
Mass requires four (4) Ushers. Check the schedule either in the Parish Bulletin or via the web site for assignments.
Ushers should arrive at least 20 minutes before Mass.
During the Greetings, pick a family to bring up the gifts.
Close the doors after the Procession starts and seat late comers but not during the Gospel reading or consecration.
During the first reading take a count of the faithful by section per Usher and put in the collection basket.
After the intentions of the Mass are read pass the collection baskets.
At the Lamb of God when the Ministers of Communion go to the Altar, the Ushers should go to the front of their assigned section and direct the parishioners in an orderly fashion for communion.
Two Ushers should bring the collection basket from the Altar to the Sacristy after Mass and place in the safe. Those Ushers need to sign the deposit envelope.
The other two Ushers need to hand out Bulletins, as parishioners exit the Church.
Thank you for your service!
For any major emergency, while two or three of the Ushers or administering to the situation, the other Ushers is to call 911. If an ambulance is required, he or she is to go other side awaiting the ambulance and guide the emergency people to the situation.
(Bulletin Information on a permanent basis.)
AED (Automated External Defibrillator )
Orange juice
Wheel Chair
Hear Aids