2575 Reidville Rd. Spartanburg, SC 29301

KofC Lenten Fish Fry

Knight of Columbus 15th Annual Lenten Fish Fry 

Serving JORS parishioners by providing them the opportunity to come together as a community, to share a meal with family and friends, and provide financial help to those in need.

Fridays 5pm-7pm

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Friend Fish Plate     $8
Baked Fish Plate      $8
Child Fish Only       $5

(Twelve and Younger)
Family Plan (Fish Only)

2 Adults/3 Kids       $30
Fish and Shrimp     $12
Shrimp Plate         $12

Menu includes fish/shrimp, coleslaw, fries, roll, drink and dessert.


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Group Supported

March 10 – Seminarians
March 17 – Safe Homes Rape Crisis Coalition
March 24 – JORS Youth
March 31 – Birthright Prolife Group


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Take Out and Curb Side Pick Up Available