Lone Oak Elementary School Project


Parishioners of Jesus, Our Risen Savior Parish have been amazingly generous and the school supply collection for Lone Oak Elementary School far surpassed the expectations of the school teachers. They were amazed at the largest donation they have ever received!  A few even shed tears of joy!!! Five cars delivered the supplies!!


The donations list is LONG, but some of the highlights include:  pencils – 3,269, pencil top erasers – 1,009, composition notebooks – 654, snacks – 1,026, juice – 630, post-it note pads – 509, Expo markers – 517!!!!!!  One of our ushers even asked people at her workplace to contribute and that brought in a big supply!


 Thank you to each of you!!!!  The spirit of caring and sharing is not only alive and well, but vibrant in our parish!!!