2575 Reidville Rd. Spartanburg, SC 29301

Parish Food Pantry

The Food Pantry is open every Thursday between 9:00 am to 12:00 pm for those in need, especially JORS parishioners. Patrons may come to the Food Pantry once per month for non-perishable food some toiletries and other household items. Once per week, patrons may come to the Food Pantry for Panera baked goods.

DONATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE NEEDED: Canned chicken, beef stew, hash, canned tuna, soups, various canned beans, dry beans, rice, canned vegetables, canned fruit, pasta sauces, pasta, oatmeal, grits, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, pancake mix, pancake syrup, laundry detergent, toilet paper, and toiletries. Large paper bags are always needed.

All food items must be NON-PERISHABLE. These items may be left by the Food Pantry in the RE hallway.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Applicants requesting financial aid from SVdP for utilities must make an appointment for an interview by calling 864-606-1357. Scheduled interviews are conducted after 11:00 am on Thursdays.