Music Ministry

JORS is blessed to have volunteer choirs for every mass! We welcome anyone who has a talent that they would like to use to serve and praise Our God. Singers, keyboardists, guitarists, and those who play other musical instruments are encouraged to join us.  The talents shared in this particular ministry help to add life to the celebration of the liturgy in the parish.  They assist and lead the faithful in worship so that they can grow in their faith by expressing their love for God through music.  To be part of this ministry encourages the faithful towards excellence in worship and expresses our gratitude to God for the human voice.

Each choir normally meets 45 – 60 minutes before their Mass time to practice. The 5:00 PM, 8:00 AM, and Spanish choirs practice in the church on the choir loft. The 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM choirs practice in the Religious Ed building, Room 104. If you are interested in joining one of the choirs, please see the choir leader after their respective mass:

5:00 PM MJ Weiskircher
8:00 AM John Schmidt
10:00 AM Katie Zeiler
12:00 PM Lucio Gayosso

Music Ministry Contact:
John Schmidt