2575 Reidville Rd. Spartanburg, SC 29301

Shut-In Ministry

Ministers to the Sick and shut-ins are ordinary people who commit themselves to the visitation of the sick, shut-ins, and homebound. It is mainly a ministry of taking the Body of Christ to our brothers and sisters, in faith, who are unable to join us in celebration of the Mass. On other occasions, visitation suffices the work of this ministry as a work of mercy. This visitation is called Pastoral Care and is one of the most ancient ministries of the Church.

Contact person:  Grace Roberts and Carol Corson

If you are interested in this beautiful ministry, please contact Carol Corson at ccorson10@gmail.com.   If you are new to this ministry, please refer to these guidelines.

If you are interested in this ministry in Spanish, please advise the office or ministry representative.