A new year of RCIA is fast approaching! The RCIA process is open to: 1) those seeking baptism and sacraments in the Catholic faith, 2) those who were baptized in another Christian faith and who are interested in converting to Catholicism, 3) adults already baptized as Catholics but never received the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation, and 4) Catholics who feel they need to know more about their faith.
The RCIA process helps complete initiation into the Catholic Church. If you know someone who may be interested in learning about our faith or possibly converting, invite them to “inquire”. There is no cost or obligation. RCIA sessions will begin in September and are held on Tuesday nights in the APR. For more information, call the church office at 864-576-1164 or Celeste Arnone 864-529-1010.