“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.“
– 1 Peter 4:10-11
A Christian Steward is defined as a disciple of Jesus who “receives God’s gifts gratefully, cultivates them responsibly, shares them lovingly in justice with others and returns them with increase to the Lord.” Stewardship is a way of life that comes from seeing everything as a gift from God, changing the way we see things. The disciple is motivated by faith and a deep sense of gratitude, flowing from their faith, to a greater sharing of his/her time, talent and treasure with the Church and other worthy causes. Time, talent, and treasure are all shared as a gift, in a planned, proportionate, thankful, and sacrificial manner.
Today more than ever there is a great need to strengthen our parishes as they, in turn, serve as a vital source of support to the communities. The heartbeat of our Church can be found in our parishes. The parish is the single most important unit of the Church.
It is in the parish that people and families become part of a worshipping and serving community. The parish is where they find faith and are encouraged to live their faith. Read more on parish stewardship from the Diocese of Charleston Website.
Jesus, Our Risen Savior Catholic is able to continue the fine work in many areas of ministry because of your gifts of time, talent and treasure. Your generosity of God’s graces truly support our Church financially, morally and spiritually.
Please contact one of our priests or the church office if you have questions about our ministries and would like to volunteer.
Catholic Appeal of South Carolina
(Formerly BAA – Bishop’s Annual Appeal)
All registered parishioners will be mailed their personalized information packet and invitation to participate in the 2025 Catholic Appeal of South Carolina. Please take the time to review the materials and make your response in the return envelope provided.
Only by your prayers and generosity are the ministries supported by the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina able to thrive and serve the many people who need us to share with them the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.